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Making the Most of your User Shop

by arcanegoat


Focusing On A Market Segment

There are many resources describing how to restock your rent. So now your shop is full of goodies to sell to the rest of Neopia…but how does Neopia know that? There are very limited resources for advertising, and few people realize what options are available for getting the word out. How can you avoid the randomness of the shop wizard directing people elsewhere? Hopefully, these tips will help improve your sales!

The first step to optimizing your shop is to determine who you’ll be selling to. You’ll be getting a lot of customers, and while some are just looking for an item and will never see your shop again, others are looking for a particular type of item, or trying to complete a quest. Some are looking to add that special item to their gallery at a reasonable price, and others are trying to stock their store so they can make neopoints too...

to view the rest of the article, click here

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