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here are some helpful tips

Places You Should Visit Every Day:

  • Brain Tree
  • Coltzan's Shrine
  • Deserted Tomb
  • DF Scratchcards
  • Faerie Crossword
  • Giant Omlette
  • Healing Springs
  • Hidden Tower
  • Money Tree
  • Snowager
  • Symol Hole
  • Tombola
  • Underwater Fishing
  • Wheel of Excitement

LOCATION(s): Haunted Forest, Deserted Fairground, Faerie Cloud, Tyrania, Neopia Central, Maraqua, Merridel, Lost Desert, Mystery Island, Ice Caves

Successful Guild Guide (from

Updates: Make sure you update your guild regularly, maybe every 2 - 4 days and put the date of when you last updated to give your visitor an indication of how active the guild is.  
Layout: Make sure your layout looks good. An attractive layout goes down really well. Also make sure your layout is quick to load up most people will get bored after 10 seconds of waiting.
Area: You may not think it but positioning your guilds area has a big effect on how many members you could get. Neopia Central is where most people start there guild, there are thousands of pages of guilds and if you have a small guild with under 10 members the chance of you being see is very small, So id suggest don't start your guild in Neopia Central unless your up for a challenge.
Messages: Visitors are sometimes attracted to the number of messages posted on your guild message board because this shows your guild is active so try and get your message boards active. *Remember Spam will just make people leave*
Goodies: Try to have a few prizes going around your guild, you don't have to worry about spending loads but try to get your prizes to range from values 1,000 to 4,000 this really makes people think that you your guild isn't cheap. *Remember you don't have to give things away everyday, every 2 - 4 days is fine, and you CAN afford this all you have to do is play a few games ;)
Special Features: Maybe give your guild a website, Have it include a section where people can get a guild banner to put in there shop which will allow other people to learn about your guild. Maybe later on when your guild is larger you can maybe add an adoption center and other events for your guild members to interact in.

Follow these simple things and you're on your way to success!

Illusen's Prizes:

X Neopians

Image: Level: Item Name: Item Description:
X Neopians 1 Illusens Cream Cookie Yummy cream cookies that are great after any meal or for a special treat. These are one of Illusens favourite treats.
X Neopians 3 Illusens Potion As potions go this one is pretty enlightening in an earthy way.
X Neopians 5 Illusens Comb Keep your pets hair silky and smooth with the help of this comb. No more leaves and twigs in your pets hair.
X Neopians 8 Cucumber Eye Cream This is the perfect eye cream for the nocturnal pets that don't get much beauty sleep.
X Neopians 11 Illusens Novel Learn about your favorite faerie Illusen in this gripping novel about her life...
X Neopians 14 Mud Mixture They say mud is good for the skin. Lets find out...
X Neopians 17 Flower Cake This cake almost looks too good to eat. Nah!!! This cake was made for a very special pet.
X Neopians 20 Rain Water Shampoo Clean and condition your pets hair with this wonderful rain water based shampoo.
X Neopians 23 Rose Shake Illusens favourite drink. This yummy shake is a wonderful treat for your pet
26 Earth Spell Book Find out more about the spells that the ancient earth faeries used to use.
X Neopians 29 Leaf Shield This shield was used in many battles by Illusen herself. Use it well in the fight against evil!
X Neopians 32 Illusens Earth Potion This potion is a great weapon to use against any creature that doesn't respect nature.
X Neopians 35 Honey Potion This potion is a great way to put your opponent in a sticky situation!
X Neopians 38 Illusens Scroll Read all about Illusens many adventures in this scroll written by Illusen.
X Neopians 41 Illusens Blade Keep your opponents at bay with this magical blade made specifically for Illusen.
X Neopians 44 Leaf Taco This delicious looking taco is a rare delicacy that Illusen makes herself.
X Neopians 47 Illusens Orb Plant This beautiful plant will make any garden look like a magical paradise.
X Neopians 50 Illusens Staff This is Illusens ultimate weapon. She only allows her most worthy friends to use it.

NeoNook: the Neopets help you've been looking for!