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here are some simple HTML commands for Neopets


HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language and is the code that nearly all web pages are written in. Despite having a complicated name the actual code is very simple. Before you can start learning HTML there is one main thing that you need to know.

All commands are typed within triangular brackets < >. These are called tags. When you type something between these tags it means you want to start a command. When you want to end a command you need to end the tags. To end a tag you type </command> . That is you add a / after the first <.

<b>a word</b> would make a word display in bold on your page. As the tags are ended then everything after a word will not be in bold.

Adding Pictures
Pictures can brighten up a web page and they are a great way to show others your work. If you have created a picture that you want to use on your site you need to save it somewhere on the web. Once you know where you image is stored it is very easy to add an image to your web site. You can use any images already on the Neopets site or an image that is somewhere else on the web.

Once you know where your images are saved you are ready to write the code. The code to insert a picture is made up of three things:

  1. <img src = " (this command tells the computer to look for an image)
  2. (this tells the computer where to find your picture)
  3. "> closes the tag
When you put the code together it looks like this:
<img src="">

this is an example of a banner.

Adding Music

This is a very easy thing to do and can really brighten up your webpage. There are several ways you can add music. It can play in the background, play once only, play continuously, or you can let the person viewing the webpage decide what they want to do. First you need to have your music file saved somewhere on the internet. Simply replace the text with the URL of your music file. You can embed src files with the extensions of:

  • .mid
  • .midi
  • .wav
  • .mp3
  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .gif
  • .bmp
  • .png

    Creating a player
    You can create a little music player on your page, this will allow the viewer to stop and start the music whenever they wish. What tags you use depends on if you want people to see it in Netscape or Internet Explorer (it may not work in other browsers such as Mozilla, Opera, etc). Netscape supports embed tags and IE supports bgsound tags. It is best to include both, that way it will always work.

    <embed src="" width=200 height=40>
    <bgsound src="">

    This will create a player that looks something like this :

    <br> <bgsound src=""><br>

    Continous Play
    You can make your music play continually by adding the loop tag, these are slightly different in Netscape and IE. If you want your music to start playing as soon as someone loads the page, type autostart=true in the embed code. The following code would start your music automatically and play it constantly. Note: you many not wish to use this in your shop as it could annoy a lot of people :)

    <embed src="" width=200 height=40 autostart=true loop=true>
    <bgsound src="" loop=infinite>

    Background Music
    If you want to give your webpage a more subtle appearance, you do not need to display the player. If you want to hide the player from your viewers, use the hidden=true tag like so:

    <embed src="" hidden=true autostart=true>
    <bgsound src="" loop=infinite>


    if you have any more questions, feel free to neomail laughattack81292!


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